Monday, June 16, 2014

Craft Beer of the Week (6/16)

The SweetDCSports Craft beer of the week comes from the Six Point Brewery out of New York.  Their Bengali Tiger is a great beer for the summer with a crisp hoppy taste that has just enough citrus flavor to set it apart from the rest.  It usually comes in a 4-pack of 16 ounce cans but try to savor it in a pint glass if you can.  Everything from Six Point is worth a try, so take a look at their website to check some out for yourself.  I recommend the Righteous Ale and Resin.  Please remember that the tiger is an endangered animal so please do not drink these to an excess and never drink and drive.

 It seems the Nats may have cracked open the Bengali Tiger a little too early last week.  After taking three straight from the NL leading San Francisco Giants, the Nats lost their next four in a row including three in St Louis.  In their three wins the Nats outscored the Giants 17-5, but in their four losses they were outscored 4-17 including a 1-0 shutout loss in St. Louis that wasted a Jordan Zimmerman 8 IP 1ER performance.  Their abysmal performance in St. Louis brought their weekly batting average down to .230 and they only batted .214 with runners in scoring position.  Against the Cardinals, the Nats were 2-13 with runners in scoring position.  When all was said and done the Nats position in the NL looks like this:

Weekly Record: 3-4
Overall Record: 35-33
Standings:  1 game behind Atlanta in the NL East

Break out the Bengali Tigers for Jason Werth who lit it up this past week.  Werth hit .269 with 8 RBI (4 of which came with 2 outs in the inning), 2 outfield assists with one being a throw out at home in a 2-1 win over the Giants, one stolen base, and he hit his 6th HR of the season.  Werth's average was only outdone by Jose Lobaton and Wilson Ramos who went 5-11 and 4-8 respectively.  They also accounted for 5 of the 21 runs scored this past week so maybe Werth can take two Bengali Tigers and give the others to his solid catchers.

After an amazing week last week, Denard Span came down to Earth.  He had a great first game against the Giants, and proceeded to go 0-20 the rest of the week.  Not exactly what you want out of your lead-off hitter.  The people who Matt Williams should feed to the Bengali Tigers at the National Zoo on the Nats's Day off today should be Ryan Zimmerman and Danny Espinosa.  Zimmerman went 3-27 over the week.  Espinosa managed to strikeout in 9 of his 20 at bats this week, plus only getting 3 hits and 3 walks.

The Nats better get right this week and end this four game skid.  The Astros come to town for 2 games before a four game home stint with our NL east nemesis, the Atlanta Braves.  Jordan Zimmerman will kick off this pivotal series where the Nats can regain sole possession of first place in the NL East if they play well, so pick up some Bengali Tigers this week and hopefully we will be toasting them to a fist place standing come next Monday.


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